
Treatment of a cavity on a front tooth in a single visit

Last Updated: January 13
Written By Dr. Yoana Yonkova

Lecturer in Updent.

Dimitar Kosturkov

Specialist in Endodontics, Digital Dentistry, and International Lecturer in Updent.

This protocol describes the possible procedures for one-step treatment of frontal caries and adhesive obturation of the cavity. These steps ensure accurate diagnosis, pain relief, and effective restoration of the function and appearance of the tooth. Although the NHIF usually covers only one dental examination per year, additional examinations without filling in the dental status can be reported to the NHIS for each visit.

To log the review in the Bulgarian HIS, you can use the following codes:

Other commonly used codes in the procedure may include:

  • 97022-00Intraoral radiography, retroalveolar (segmental), Bitewing.
  • 97522-01Adhesive restoration of a front tooth, 2 surfaces, direct.
  • 97523-01Adhesive restoration of a front tooth, 3 or more surfaces, direct.
  • 92505-97Conductive anesthesia of the upper, lower jaw, and/or related oral cavity structures in dental treatment. Intraligamentary anesthesia.
  • 97546-01Filling with chemical composite.
  • 97411-00Direct pulp capping.

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Specialists, collaborators, and organizations who made this project possible.

Dimitar Kosturkov

Dr. Dimitar Kosturkov

Specialist in Endodontics, Digital Dentistry, and International Lecturer in Updent.


Dr. Yoana Yonkova

Lecturer in Updent.



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